Contextual sidebar example
Display collections, guides, quick links, ordered related items and related mainstream content.
How it looks (preview)
How to call this example
<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/contextual_sidebar", {
content_item: {
title: "A content item",
links: {
ordered_related_items: [
title: "Find an apprenticeship",
base_path: "/apply-apprenticeship"
title: "Training and study at work",
base_path: "/training-study-work-your-rights"
title: "Careers helpline for teenagers",
base_path: "/careers-helpline-for-teenagers"
document_collections: [
title: "Recruit an apprentice (formerly apprenticeship vacancies)",
base_path: "/government/collections/apprenticeship-vacancies",
document_type: "document_collection"
title: "The future of jobs and skills",
base_path: "/government/collections/the-future-of-jobs-and-skills",
document_type: "document_collection"
} %>