Expander (experimental) example
With counter
If there are form elements within the expander it can display a count of the number of form elements with a selected or input value. This is to make it appear the same as the option select component when appearing with it in search pages. Note that if any form elements are selected on page load, the component will expand by default.
How it looks (preview)
How to call this example
<%= render "components/expander", {
title: "Things"
} do %>
<div class="govuk-form-group gem-c-select">
<label class="govuk-label" for="level_one_taxon">Topic</label>
<select name="level_one_taxon" id="level_one_taxon" class="govuk-select gem-c-select__select--full-width">
<option value="">All topics</option>
<option value="1" selected>Business and industry</option>
<option value="2">COVID-19</option>
<option value="3">Corporate information</option>
<div class="govuk-form-group" data-ga4-section="Subtopic">
<div class="govuk-form-group gem-c-select">
<label class="govuk-label" for="level_two_taxon">Subtopic</label>
<select name="level_two_taxon" id="level_two_taxon" class="govuk-select gem-c-select__select--full-width">
<option value="">All subtopics</option>
<option value="2">Business and the environment</option>
<option value="3">Business regulation</option>
<option value="4">Charities and social enterprises</option>
<div class="govuk-form-group">
<label for="public_timestamp[from]" class="gem-c-label govuk-label">Updated after</label>
<input aria-describedby="hint-fe643477" class="gem-c-input govuk-input" id="public_timestamp[from]" name="public_timestamp[from]" spellcheck="false" type="text" value="2023">
<% end %>