1. Finder Frontend Component Guide
  2. Related Navigation
  3. With different languages
Related Navigation example

With different languages

Each link can have a locale parameter to set the correct lang attribute.

If the link locale is the same as the document locale, then the lang attribute won’t be used. For example, lang="en" won’t appear on a page written in English.

How it looks (preview)

How to call this example

<%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/related_navigation", {
  content_item: {
    links: {
      ordered_related_items: [
          title: "Find an apprenticeship (French)",
          base_path: "/apply-apprenticeship.fr",
          locale: "fr"
      mainstream_browse_pages: [
          title: "Apprenticeships, 14 to 19 education and training for work (Korean)",
          base_path: "/browse/education/find-course.ko",
          document_type: "topic",
          locale: "ko"
      topical_events: [
          title: "UK-China High-Level People to People Dialogue 2017 (Spanish)",
          base_path: "/government/topical-events/uk-china-high-level-people-to-people-dialogue-2017.es",
          document_type: "topical_event",
          locale: "es"
      related: [
          title: "Jam producers (Spanish)",
          base_path: "/jam-producers.es",
          document_type: "contact",
          locale: "es"
      related_statistical_data_sets: [
          title: "International road fuel prices (Italian)",
          base_path: "/government/statistical-data-sets/comparisons-of-industrial-and-domestic-energy-prices-monthly-figures.it",
          document_type: "statistical_data_set",
          locale: "it"
      document_collections: [
          title: "Recruit an apprentice (formerly apprenticeship vacancies)",
          base_path: "/government/collections/apprenticeship-vacancies",
          document_type: "document_collection",
          locale: "en"
      world_locations: [
          title: "South Sudan (Arabic)",
          base_path: "/world/south-sudan/news.ar",
          locale: "ar"
    details: {
      external_related_links: [
          url: "http://media.slc.co.uk/sfe/1718/ft/sfe_terms_and_conditions_guide_1718_d.pdf",
          title: "Student loans: terms and conditions 2017 to 2018 (PDF, 136KB)",
          locale: "en"
} %>